Research webpage of Adrien Taylor

short biography
hello !
I am currently a research scientist at Inria, within the SIERRA team. Before that, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the same team in 2017-2019, working with Francis Bach. I completed a PhD at Université catholique de Louvain, in the department of mathematical engineering (part of the ICTEAM institute), where I was holding a F.R.S.-FNRS FRIA scholarship for my PhD under the supervision of François Glineur and Julien Hendrickx.
My research currently focuses on optimization (mostly first-order) and numerical analysis with a bit of control and machine learning. I find it particularly important to push toward reproducible (including theory) and understandable science, and many of my research projects have this orientation. I had the chance to be awarded an ERC Starting Grant 2024 (project CASPER) for working in this direction (expected from fall 2024 to fall 2029).
tutorial & slides — selected sets of slides can be found here, together with references to tutorials to accelerated first-order methods and principled (and computer-assisted) worst-case analyses.